你忍心不按赞么? ╮(╯❤╰)╭

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Friday, July 2, 2010

= Government hospital≠Private clinic =

Although government hospital≠private clinic... Why cant the government makes the service in hospital better than the private ones. Isn't it the low payment makes the government hospital become reluctant and sometime lazy to provide efficient and fast service. As far as i'm concerned, their salary plus epf are quite good. But still the service,the procedure to get prescription of medicine is still slow and time-consuming.
Last week when I was in the hospital waitin to be called, a lil girl asked her mother,' mommy,why we have to wait so long since the patient awaiting is just us and a jie2 and the uncle?
Guess wat the young mommy answered...
'My dear,this is government hospital. We have to wait patiently.'
And the lil girl replied her mom. 'why. Damn those government hospitals out there!'
Wow. Now you see. Even a lil girl aged below 8 complaints the service provided.
Now i'm still quitting here. Waitin patiently with regular coughing sound and dizziness with me. Lookin at all the white shirt ppl wander around chit chatting .
Well I would like to beg for a better and faster service in government hospital for our nation's citizens' sake.